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The hunting

Our outstanding agricultural landscape, ideal roosting habitats, lakes and rivers making the perfect habitat for wing-shooting.  We are one of the few lodges in the world that offer a “5 feather” programme – which includes high volume dove and parekeet, no limit pigeon all year around and duck and perdiz in the winter months…

The hunting is diverse with a wide variety of shooting options available.

Most of our hunts are on the flyways to and from the roosts with morning shoots starting just after dawn and afternoon shoots mid-late afternoon depending on the season.

We can tailor the hunting depending on the experience and wants of our clients and will also depend on the time of year, what the birds are feeding on and the weather conditions.

With the variety of crops here in Santa Fe, planting and harvesting is done across 9 months of the year, providing fantastic shooting no more than 15 minutes from the lodge itself. With such short drive times, we have total flexibility as to how long each shoot our clients want to hunt.


Santa Fe has an outstanding agricultural landscape which provides ideal growing conditions for a huge diversity of both crops and livestock.

We will supplement roost area shoots with seasonal harvesting shoots based on crop rotation schedules of our landowners.

We are building lunch huts at the largest fields to provide guests with a more permanent structure between shoots during summer months.

Santa Fe has an outstanding agricultural landscape which provides ideal growing conditions for a huge diversity of both crops and livestock.

Santa Fe is one of Argentina’s largest producer of sunflower with over 120,000 hectares harvested within the San Cristobal area alone annually but also supports a number of other crops which include Sorghum, Winter wheat, Corn (2 seasons harvests per year), Alfalfa, Millet and pasture for grass-fed and dairy cattle.

There has been no shooting in the area for 10 years and we have exclusive hunting rights for approximately 1m hectares for the next 3 years. All roosts are within 1 hour drive from the lodge, some only 20 minutes away which provides guests with more flexibility as to shooting times, frequency, field lunches and pool time

Guests are able to shoot as little or as long as they want and will have the ability to come back to the lodge whenever they want individually or in small groups– not have to wait until the last hunter has finished.

We also offer bolt-on shooting alternatives with Pigeon and Partridge hunting

We do not shoot in the roost but on the dove highways to and from feeding grounds which not only protects the roosting areas but provides more fun shooting opportunities

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